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3 produits

  • Kenmore 27 inch front load washer and dryer

    Washer Model # 796.41393.160 &  Dryer- Model # 796.81283.160 Washer Key Features: Capacity: Large drum capacity (approximately 4.5 to 5.0...

  • Whirlpool 24 inch front load washer & dryer set

    Whirlpool WFC7500VW1 Compact Front-Load Washer – Efficient Cleaning for Smaller Spaces Overview:The Whirlpool Compact Front-Load Washer is designed for homes...

  • Whirlpool 24 inch front load washer/dryer set

    Whirlpool Compact Front-Load Washer – Efficient Cleaning for Smaller Spaces Overview:The Whirlpool Compact Front-Load Washer is designed for those with...

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